a) they are filamentous
b) they are colonial
c) they have diploid thallus
d) both of them are motile
2. Plants which are not differentiated into roots, stem and leaves are grouped under
a) Gymnosperms
b) Pteridophytes
c) Thallophytes
d) Spermatophytes
3. Which are the most primitive group of algae
a) Blue green algae
b) Red algae
c) Brown algae
d) Green algae
d) Green algae
4. The
spore of diatoms resulting from syngamy are called
a) Autospore
b) Auxospore
c) Androspore
d) Zygospore
d) Zygospore
5. Which of the following is the most advanced group of algae
a) Cyanophyta
b) Rhodophyta
c) Phaeophyta
d) Chlorophyta
6. Which of the algae is responsible for red colour of red sea

a) Chlamydomonas brauii
b) Trichodesmium erythrium
c) Ulothrix zonata
d) None of the abovec) Ulothrix zonata
7. One of the following is present in blue green algae
a) Starch
b) Cyanophacean granule
c) Any polysaccharide
d) Floridian starch
8. Ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen is found in
a) Leaves of some crop plants
b) Chlorella
c) Some marine red algae
d) Some blue green algae
9. Origin and evolution of sex in algae is best seen in
a) Blue green algae
b) Green algae
c) Red algae
d) Brown algae
10. Kelps is obtained from
a) Algae
b) Marine algae
c) Aquatic algae
d) Lichens
11. Algae differ from Riccia
ana Marchantia in having
a) Multicellular body
b) Multicellular sex organs
c) Pyrenoids in the cell
d) Thalloid body
12. Heterocysts are
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Heterocyst in Anaebaena |
a) Green and thin walled
b) Green and thick walled
c) Colourless and thin walled
d) Colourless and thick walled
13. Zygotic meiosis is a characteristic feature of
a) Algae
b) Bryophytes
c) Pteridophytes
d) Gymnosperms
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14. Cephaleoures is
a) An epiphytic green algae
b) A parasitic green algae
c) A fresh water green algae
d) A colourless red algae
15. Sargasso sea is named after an algae Sargassum which is a
a) Green algae
b) Brown algae
c) Red algae
d) Blue green algae
Learn more
- Multiple Choice Quiz on Plant Kingdom
- Multiple Choice Quiz on Algae
- Multiple Choice Questions on Bryophytes
- Multiple Choice Quiz on Pteridophytes
- Multiple Choice Questions on Gymnosperms
algae mcq
MCQ on Algae
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MCQ on Plant Kingdom
Multiple Choice on Algae
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