Multiple Choice on Short Tandem Repeats (STR)

 MCQ on Short Tandem Repeats

1.     Short Tandem repeats (STR) in DNA are

     a)     Sequence of two or more bases that is repeated many times discontinuously on a chromosome

    b)     Sequence of two or more bases that is repeated many times one after another tandemly on a chromosome

c)      Noncoding highly repetitive sequences

d)     All of the above

Multiple Choice on Short Tandem Repeats (STR)

2.     All the following refers to STR except

a)     microsatellites

b)     Simple sequence repeats

c)      Short tandem repeats

d)     Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR)

3.     In Human genome, STR accounts approximately

a)     10%

b)     50%

c)      7%

d)     3%

4.     Which human chromosome has the highest density of STR?

a)     Chromosome 1

b)     Chromosome 21

c)      Chromosome 19

d)     Chromosome 16

5.     Which of the following is the most common STRs in human genome?

a)     hexanucleotide repeats

b)     dinucleotide repeats

c)      trinucleotide repeats

d)     tetranucleotide repeats

6.     Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding STR?

a)     STRs are present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

b)     STRs are repetitive unit of 1-6 bp

c)      STRs are noncoding highly repetitive sequences

d)     STRs are found in both coding and non-coding regions

7.     STR analysis is widely used in

a)     Western blotting

b)     DNA fingerprinting

c)      Northern blotting

d)     DNA footprinting

8.     Which residue is abundant in STR?

a)     Adenine

b)     Guanine

c)      Cytosine

d)     Thymine

9.     D13S317 is a common STR used in the paternity testing. In D13S317, 13 stands for

a)     13th nucleotide of DNA

b)     13th chromosome

c)      13th STR

d)     Unique STR identification ID     

10. STR analysis is used in

a)     Forensic analysis

b)     Genetic mapping and disease diagnosis

c)      Phylogenetic studies

d)     All of the above


1.     b) Sequence of two or more bases that is repeated many times one after another tandemly on a chromosome

2.     d) Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR)

3.     d) 3%

4.     c) Chromosome 19

5.     b) dinucleotide repeats

6.     c) STRs are noncoding highly repetitive sequences

7.     b) DNA fingerprinting

8.     a) Adenine

9.     b) 13th chromosome

10.d) All of the above


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