MCQ on Plant Hormones - Gibberellins

1. Gibberellins was named after a fungus called
a) Gibberella fujikuroi
b) Gibberella gaditijirrii
c) Gibberella acuminata
d) Gibberella africana

2. Gibberellins are chemically
a) phenolic derivatives
b) terpenoid derivatives
c) adenine derivatives
d) alkaloid derivatives

3. Gibberella fujikuroi the fungus causes
a) foolish seedling disease of rice or bakanae disease
b) damping off seedling disease of rice or bakanae disease
c) fungal blight disease of rice or bakanae disease
d) rust disease of rice or bakanae disease

4. The most studied gibberellin is
a) GA1
b) GA9
c) GA3
d) GA4

5. All are anti giberrellins except
a) acetosyringone
b) Amo1618
c) maleic hydrazide
d) phosphon D

6. All are functions of gibberellins except
a) promote cell elongation
b) promote dormancy
c) promote elongation of internodes
d) promotes parthenocarpic fruit formation

7. Which of the following bioassay is used to test the presence of giberrillins
a) chlorophyll preservation test
b) dwarf pea elongation technique
c) rice seedling growth inhibition test
d) excised radish cotyledon enlargement test

8. The gibberilins present in the aleurone layer of barley increase transcription of
a) lipase and protease
b) protease and cellulase
c) protease and amylase
d) lipase and cellulase

9. Elongation of rosette plants is achieved by treatment with

Elongation of  rosette plants

a) auxin
b) zeatin
c) cytokinin
d) gibberrellin

10. Translocation of gibberrelins is non-polar and predominantly takes place through
a) xylem
b) phloem
c) both phloem and xylem
d) capillary rise

11. The hormone which is involved in regulation of florigen synthesis
a) ethylene
b) zeatin
c) cytokinin
d) gibberrellin

12. Which is the giberrellin involved in elongation responses
a) GA1
b) GA9
c) GA3
d) GA4

13. Which is the giberrellin involved in flowering
a) GA1
b) GA9
c) GA3
d) GA4

14. Early stages of gibberellin synthesis take place in
a) mitochondria
b) peroxisome
c) plastids
d) cytoplasm

15. Genetic dwarfism can be nullified by spraying with
a) auxin
b) zeatin
c) cytokinin
d) gibberellin

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