MCQ on Aquatic Microbiology

1. The vaporised water is called
a) ground water
b) atmospheric water
c) surface water
d) impounded water
2. The study of marine microbes is called
a) marine microbiology
b) marinology
c) marine bacteriology
d) none of these
3. Microbes found at the bottom of oceans are called

a) limnos
b) phytoplankton
c) benthos
d) zooplankton
4. The floating and drifting microbes are called
a) zooplanktons
b) benthos
c) Planktons
d) none of these
5. The average salinity in oceans is about
a) 10%
b) 3.5%
c) 80%
d) 90%
6. In polluted regions of oceans, a unique species of Clostridium called
a) Clostridium oceanicum is present
b) Clostridium marinine is present
c) Clostridium subtilis is present
d) none of these
7. Major faecal contaminant in potable water is
a) Escherichia coli
b) Streptococcus faecalis
c) both a and b
d) Escherichia coli only
8. IMViC test is carried out to distinguish the presence of
a) E.coli from Clostridium
b) E.coli from Enterobacter aerogenes
c) E.coli from Streptococcus
d) E.coli from other bacteria
9. IMViC test includes
a) Indole test and methyl red test
b) Voges Proskauer test
c) citrate test
d) all of these
10. Disinfection include
a) Chlorination
b) UV radiation
c) ozonation
d) all of the above
11. Sedimentation of large particulate matter is enhanced by
a) Aluminium sulphate
b) Potassium nitrate
c) Potassium permanganate
d) Chlorination
12. High BOD indicates
a) less polluted water
b) less number of organisms
c) more polluted water
d) none of these
13. Oxidation ponds for secondary waste water treatment is designed to promote growth of
a) algae
b) fungi
c) plants
d) bacteria
14. Purification strategies in municipal water supplies involves
a) sedimentation
b) filtration
c) disinfection
d) all of the above
15. Aggregates of microbes as tiny masses in activated sludge process is called
a) activated sludge
b) masses
c) colloidal masses
d) floccules
1. b) atmospheric water
2. a) marine microbiology
3. c) benthos
4. c) Planktons
5. b) 3.5%
6. a) Clostridium oceanicum is present
7. c) both a and b
8. b) E.coli from Enterobacter aerogenes
9. d) all of these
10. d) all of the above
11. a) Aluminium sulphate
12. c) more polluted water
13. a) algae
14. d) all of the above
15. d) floccules
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