Multiple Choice Questions on Evolution

1. Find out the mismatched pair

a) Francesco Redi - Disproved theory of spontaneous generation

b) A I Oparin and J B S Haldane - Simulated early Earth

c) Stanley Miller and Harold Urey - Abiotic formation of biological molecules

d) Sydney Fox – Protenoids

2. What properties of RNA support the hypothesis that it was the first self-replicating molecule in early evolution?

I. It can transfer amino acids for protein synthesis

II. It can store and pass information

III. It can catalyze its own synthesis

IV. It can form 3D structures

V. It has catalytic activity

a) I, III, and V

b) II, III, and IV

c) I, II, and III

d) II, III, and V 

3. From the conditions listed below those that contribute to high risk of species extinction is

I. Long Life Span

II. Low Dispersal Ability

III. High Degree of Specialization

IV. Low Reproductive Ability

a) I, II, and III

b) II, III, and IV

c) III, IV, and I

d) All of these

4. The fossil plant _______ can be seen in all continents and landmasses that were part of the ancient Gondwana land which is regarded as proof for plate tectonics.

a) Blanzyopteris

b) Glossopteris

c) Barthelopteris

d) Calamites

5. Genetic drift occurs when a few individuals of a species colonize an island. This  particular phenomenon is known as 

a) the bottleneck effect 

b) the founder effect 

c) assortative mating 

d) random mating

6. You are directed to select the tree having maximum parsimony. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) All trees are equally the acceptable hypothesis of evolution and tree 2 is the one with maximum parsimony

b) All trees are equally acceptable hypothesis of evolution and tree 4 is the one with maximum parsimony

c) Only tree 4 with maximum changes are accepted and is having maximum parsimony

d) None of these trees can be accepted as a hypothesis and tree 4 is having maximum parsimony

7.Darwin’s ideas on evolution by natural selection was influenced by

a) Meselson and Stahl 

b) Watson and Crick 

c) Lyell and Malthus 

d) Miller and Urey

8. Which of the following evolutionary processes played an important role in the evolution of the complex immune system? 

a) Reproductive isolation

b) Adaptive radiation 

c) Neutral evolution 

d) Co-evolution

9. The patagium of the Draco is an example for 

Multiple Choice Questions on Evolution -  The patagium of the Draco is an example for

a) Evolutionary link between birds and reptiles 

b) Convergent evolution 

c) Divergent evolution

d) Evolutionary link between birds and mammals

10. Consider the following statements:

 Statement 1: An example for convergent evolution is wings of insects and flying squirrel and that for divergent evolution is beaks of Darwin’s finches. 

Statement 2: Convergent evolution happens in organisms that are closely related while divergent evolution is observed in organisms that are not closely related. 

a) Both statements are true 

b) Statement 1 alone is true 

c) Statement 2 alone is true 

d) Both statements are false  

Learn more: Quiz on Evolution


1. b) A I Oparin and J B S Haldane - Simulated early Earth

2. d) II, III, and V

3. b) II, III, and IV

4. b) Glossopteris

5. b) the founder effect 

6. a) All trees are equally the acceptable hypothesis of evolution and tree 2 is the one with maximum parsimony

7.c) Lyell and Malthus 

8. d) Co-evolution

9. b) Convergent evolution 

10. b) Statement 1 alone is true 


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