MCQ on Different Types of Microscopes || Magnification of Microscope

Multiple Choice on Different Types of Microscope

1Multiple Choice on Different Types of Microscopes

1. Which among the following microscopes uses light as the source of illumination?

a) Stereomicroscope

b) Electron microscope

c) SEM

d) TEM

2. Which of the following microscope is best suited for observing live specimens without staining?

a) Compound microscope

b) Phase contrast microscope

c) SEM

d) TEM

3. If you want to assess the mass of the cell wall of bacteria, which microscope is best suited for that?

a) Stereomicroscope

b) Confocal microscope

c) Interference microscope

d)  Fluorescence microscope

4. All the following statements regarding compound microscope is true except

a) Many lenses are used in compound microscope

b) Light is the source of illumination

c) An oil immersion lens increases magnification but decreases resolution

d) Magnification is the product of the magnifications of objective and ocular lenses

5. Which of the following microscope is best for observing colorless cells?

a) Bright field microscope

b) Dark field microscope

c) Simple microscope

d)  None of these

6. Which of the following microscope is best suited for studying biofilms?

a) Fluorescence microscope

b) Confocal microscope

c) Interference microscope

d) Bright filed microscope

7. Of the following microscopes, one is specifically useful for identifying pathogens using fluorescent labelled antibodies?

a)Fluorescence microscope

b)Confocal microscope


d) Phase Contrast Microscope

8. Which of the following microscope is best suited for studying ultrastructure of cells?

a) SEM

b) TEM

c) Confocal microscope

d) Interference microscope

9. Which microscope is best suited for studying surface details of bacteria and viruses?

a) SEM

b) Bright field microscope

c) Confocal microscope

d) TEM     

10.  Which of the following microscope has the maximum magnification and resolution?

a) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

b) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

c) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

d) Confocal microscope

11.  Which of the following are called probe microscopes that uses electronic probes to maximally magnify objects?

a) Atomic Force Microscope and Scanning Tunneling Microscope

b) SEM and TEM

c) Confocal and Fluorescence microscope

d) All of these

12.  Which of the following is true regarding Electron microscopes?

a) SEM is used for studying structure of cell organelles

b) Electron microscopes uses electron beams as source of illumination

c) TEM produce 2-Dimensional image of ultrastructure of cells

d) SEM images appear as 3-Dimensional images

13. What will be the magnification of a microscope with 10x eyepiece and 40x objective?

a) 40 x

b) 400 x

c) 4000 x

d)40000 x

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1. a) Stereomicroscope

2. b) Phase contrast microscope

3. c) Interference microscope

4. d) An oil immersion lens increases magnification but decreases resolution

5. b) Dark field microscope

6.  b) Confocal microscope

7. a) Fluorescence microscope

8. b) TEM

9.  a) SEM

10. c) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

11. a) Atomic Force Microscope and Scanning Tunneling Microscope

12.  a) SEM is used for studying structure of cell organelles

13. b) 400 x

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