1. Transgenic plants are the ones:-
A) Grown in the artificial medium after
hybridization in the field
B) Produced by a somatic embryo in an
artificial medium
C) Generated by introducing foreign DNA into a
cell and regenerating a plant from that cell
D) Produced after protoplast fusion in an
artificial medium
2. First genetically modified plant produced in 1982 was
A) Transgenic tobacco
B) Transgenic maize
C) Transgenic tomato
D) Transgenic cotton
3. Golden rice is a promising transgenic crop.
When released for cultivation, it will help in
A) Alleviation of vitamin A deficiency
B) Pest resistance
C) Herbicide tolerance
D) Producing a petrol-like fuel from rice
4. A genetically engineered squash called Freedom II carries genes from
A) Cauliflower
mosaic virus
B) Zucchini virus
C) Watermelon mosaic virus
D) Both A & B
5. A transgenic food crop that may help in
solving the problem of night blindness in developing
countries are:-
A) Starlink maize
B) Bt Soybean
C) Golden rice
D) Flavr Savr tomatoes
6. The transgenic plant is developed by anti-sense RNA technology.
A) Golden rice
B) Bt cotton
C) Flavr Savr tomato
D) Both A and C
7. Silencing of mRNA has been used in
producing transgenic plants resistant to:
A) Bacterial blights
B) Bollworms
C) Nematodes
D) White rusts
8. An improved variety of transgenic basmati
rice :
A) is completely resistant to all insect pests
and diseases of paddy
B) gives high yield but has no characteristic
C) does not require chemical fertilizers and
growth hormones
D) give high yield and is rich in vitamin A
9. The genetically modified (GM) brinjal in
India has been developed for :
A) Enhancing mineral content
B) Drought-resistance
C) Insect-resistance
D) Enhancing shelf life
10. Transgenic Brassica napus has been used
for the synthesis of :
A) Heparin
B) Cry Protein
C) polygalacturonase
D) Hirudin
11. Transgenic tobacco plant was developed by
the process of RNA interference, was resistant against the infection
A) Bacteria E coli
B)Algae Scenedesmus
C)Fungi Fusarium
D) Nematode Melodigyne incognita
Learn more: Quiz on Biotechnology
1.C) Generated by introducing foreign DNA into a cell and regenerating a plant from that cell
2. A) Transgenic tobacco
3. A) Alleviation of vitamin A deficiency
4. C) Watermelon mosaic virus
5. C) Golden rice
6. C) Flavr Savr tomato
7. C) Nematodes
8. D) give high yield and is rich in vitamin A
9. C) Insect-resistance
10. D) Hirudin
11. B)Algae Scenedesmus