Forestry MCQ || Forest Pathology Remote Sensing and GIS in Forestry || Set 4

Question 61:Which one of the following diseases is not associated with teak?

Multiple Choice Questions on Forestry || Forestry MCQ || Set 4

        A)Root rot - Armillaria mellea

        B)Powdery mildew - Phyllactinia guttata

        C)Leaf rust - Olivea tectonae'

        D)Leaf blight - Phoma tectonae


Question 62:-Which one of the following is an example for informal type garden?

        A)Mughal garden

        B)French garden

        C)Japanese garden

        D)Italian garden


Question 63:-Which among the following is not true about landscape ecology?

        A)Landscape ecology focuses on the spatial relationships among landscape elements, or ecosystems.

        B)Landscape ecology also studies the flows of energy, mineral nutrients and elements among species.

        C)It also focuses on the ecological dynamics of the landscape mosaic through time.

        D)The role and activities of humans is not included in the landscape ecology studies.


Question 64:-The definition of ecotourism "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves interpretation and education" is given by

        A)FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

        B)TIES - International Ecotourism Society

        C)UNWTO - United Nations World Tourism Organization

        D)UNESCO - The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural



Question 65:-Which one of the following statements is not true regarding non-spatial data?

        A)Non-spatial data represents the location of an object on earth surface

        B)It is also called attributes or characteristics data

        C)It is generally one dimensional and independent data

        D)Tabular and attribute data are non-spatial data


Question 66:-Choose the wrong one (Hint : Satellite - Its application)

        A)Cartosat 1 - Stereoscopic Earth observation satellite for mapping.

        B)RISAT 1 - Earth observation satellite to take images of Earth during day and night.

        C)SARAL - Designed to study ocean circulation and sea surface elevation.

        D)SCATSAT - 1 - It is capable of imaging a swath (geographical strip) of 9.6 km and useful for cartographic applications.


Question 67:-Abbreviation of MODIS is

        A)Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

        B)Medium Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

        C)Medium Resolution Direct Imaging Spectrometer

        D)Modular Direct Imaging Spectrometer


Question 68:-Which of the following is not an open-source GIS software?


        B)GRASS GIS

        C)SAGA GIS



Question 69:-Which among the following statement/s are wrong?

I.     Visible rays, thermal IR and Radio waves are used for remote sensing.

II.    Passive sensors have their own energy source for illumination.

III.   LISS III is an example for space-borne platform for remote sensing.

IV.    Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation.

        A)I and II

        B)I and III

        C)I, II and III

        D)II and III


Question 70:-Which one of the following pre-processing methods is not involved in digital image processing?

        A)Radiometric correction method

        B)Atmospheric correction method

        C)Parametric correction method

        D)Geometric correction methods


Question 71:-Which one of the following combination is not correct?

        A)Damping off-Fungi-Rhizoctonia spp.

        B)Root rot-Fungi-Fomes spp.

        C)Wilt disease-Bacteria-Fusarium spp.

        D)Canker formation-Bacteria-Xanthomonas spp.


Question72:-The art of developing the plant or training the plant into different forms or shapes like animals, birds, arches, etc. is called as?






Question73:-Which among the following statement is not correct regarding mycorrhiza?

        A)Mycorrhiza are generally non-pathogenic soil fungi associated with roots of certain trees.

        B)Hyphae of mycorrhiza grow in the intercellular space and form a network of hyphae is called as "Hartig Net".

        C)Trees belong to families Fagaceae, Betulaceae and Salicaceae have

mycorrhizal association.

        D)Fungi which form ectomycorrhiza belong primarily to Phycomycetes.


Question74:-Choose the wrong combination: 

(Hint: Tree-Nursery Disease-Causing organism)

        A)Collar rot - Rhizoctonia solani-Ailanthus triphysa.

        B)Damping off - Cylindrocladium scoparium - Eucalyptus tereticornis

        C)Leaf blight - Olivea tectonae - Tectona grandis

        D)Wilting - Trametes spp - Dalbergia sissoo


Question75:-Which one of the following insects is Teak Skeletonizer?

        A)Hyblaea puera

        B)Eutectona machaeralis

        C)Galenara consimilus

        D)Neophasia menapia


Question76:-Which among the following is an example for edible mushroom?

        A)Agaricus bisporus

        B)Amanita muscaria

        C)Inocybe lacera

        D)Gyromitra esculenta


Question77:-Which among the following statement is not true regarding "Felling Rules" of logging operations?

        A)Tree should be felled as low as possible.

        B)Felling should usually begin at the top of a slope and proceed downwards.

        C)Tree should be felled in the direction of downhill side.

        D)Reduced Impact logging should be followed.


Question78:-The process whereby a felled tree is cross out into logs is called as?






Question79:-Which among the following statement is not true regarding girdling of tree?

        A)Girdling destroys the cambium which disrupts the growth of tree by

reducing the flow of water and nutrients in the tree.

        B)Girdling is not recommended for forest management practices.

        C)Girdling before felling is done to eliminate moisture from the tree, thus decreasing its weight.

        D)Girdling permits better seasoning with less degradation.


Question80:-The entire opening between two adjacent teeth of a saw is called as?






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