SET Zoology (Set 5) Questions and Answers (Set 5) | MCQ Zoology

 81. The blood cells that play a critical role in pathogen-specific immunity by producing antibodies:

A) T lymphocytes 

B) Thrombocytes

C) B lymphocytes 

D) Eosinophils

82. The maturation of T lymphocytes takes place within:

A) Thyroid gland 

B) Parathyroid gland

C) Thymus gland 

D) Bone marrow

83. The cells in the distal convoluted tubule concerned with reabsorption of K+and secretion of H+:

A) Principal cells 

B) Intercalated cells

C) Parietal cells 

D) Mesangial cells

84. The filamentous protein that stabilize the myosin filament, center it between the thin filaments, prevent overstretching of the sarcomere, and to recoil the sarcomere like a spring after it is stretched:

A) Desmin B) Nebulin C) Titin D) Tropomyosin

85. A sustained muscle contraction evoked when a muscle's motor unit is stimulated by multiple impulses at a sufficiently high frequency so that the relaxation phase disappears completely is called:

A) Summation B) Fatigue C) Tonus D) Tetanus

86. Identify the excitatory neurotransmitter:

A) GABA B) Glutamate C) Serotonin D) Dopamine

87. Mature differentiated neurons lack the cell organelle:

A) Centriole B) Golgi body

C) Endoplasmic reticulum D) Mitochondria

88. Which of the following is a mechanism of action for water-soluble hormones?

A) By inducing changes in the extracellular matrix

B) By entering the cell and binding to nuclear receptors

C) Activating G protein-coupled receptors

D) By entering the cell and binding to intracellular receptors

89. During the process of spermiogenesis the acrosome of sperm develops from:

A) Golgi bodies B) Mitochondria

C) Endoplasmic reticulum D) Centrioles

90. Which conformation of DNA exhibits the Watson & Crick Model?

A) A-DNA B) B-DNA C) Z-DNA D) All of these

91. RNA polymerases catalyze the formation of:

A) Peptide bond B) Ester bond

C) Phosphodiester bond D) Glycosidic bonds

92. Lipolysis is inhibited by:

A) Insulin B) Glucagon C) Epinephrine D) Carnitine

93. The product formed during the synthesis of fatty acid, by the condensation of acetyl

ACP and malonyl ACP is:

A) Malonyl CoA B) Acetoacetyl ACP

C) Butyryl ACP D) Palmitoyl ACP

94. The enzyme involved in the release of NH4+from glutamate:

A) Glutamate reductase B) Glumate decarboxylase

C) Glutamic oxidase D) Glutamate dehydrogenase

95. Identify the exclusively ketogenic aminoacidsin humans that can be degraded directly

into acetyl-CoA, which is the precursor of ketone bodies:

A) Glutamic acid and Glutamine

B) Asparagine and Aspartic acid

C) leucine and lysine

D) Serine and Valine

96. Which among the following is used as a standard laboratory method to quantify the

radioactivity of low energy radioisotopes?

A) liquid scintillation counter

B) ion exchange chromatography


D) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy

97. Chi-square test is used to:

A) Examine whether two categorical variables are independent in influencing the test statistics

B) Determine the significance of the difference between the means of two sets of data

C) Split an observed aggregate variability found inside a data set into two parts

D) Express the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space

98. In a cross involving two genes that exhibit recessive epistasis, what phenotypic ratio

would be expected in the F2 generation?

A) 15:1 B) 9:4:3 C) 9:3:3:1 D) 12:3:1

99. DNA polymerase enzyme involved in the replication of mitochondrial DNA:

A) DNA polymerase α (alpha)

B) DNA polymerase β (beta)

C) DNA polymerase γ (gamma)

D) DNA polymerase δ (delta)

100. The cloning vector ideal for carrying large DNA segments like eukaryotic genes:

A) Yeast artificial chromosomes

B) Plasmids

C) Cosmids

D) Phagemids

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