51. In canning or retorting, the time required to destroy a
given number of organisms at a
specic temperature is known as
A) Z-value
B) d-value
C) TdT-value
d) 12-d
52. In species
identication of animal products by PCR-RFLP, the sequence of which
mitochondrial gene is commonly employed ?
A) Cyt-b
B) Cyt-b2
C) 12s Rrna
d) None of the above
53. The true
indicator of faecal contamination in meat
I. E. Coli
II. Salmonella
III. Streptococci
Iv. Campylobacter
A) I and II only B)
I, II and Iv only
C) II and III only d)
I only
54. Which of the
following statements about poultry processing is/are correct ?
I. Bleeding time in
chicken is approximately 2-3 minutes.
II. In soft scalding,
the temperature used is around 50°C for 1.5-2 minutes.
III. Hard scalding is
generally followed for water birds and breeders.
Iv. Scalding
temperature of mature birds is around 65°C (sub-scalding).
A) I only B) I, II
and III only
C) I, II, III and Iv
d) II and Iv only
55. Which of the following statements about Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning are correct ?
I. Staphylococcus
aureus causes food poisoning mostly by intoxication.
II. Food poisoning by
Staphylococcus aureus occurs due to ingestion of endotoxins.
III. Staphylococcus
aureus produce heat stable toxin.
Iv. Inhalation is a
common mode of food poisoning by staphylococcus aureus.
A) I and III only B)
I, III and Iv only
C) II and III only d)
All of the above
56. Which of the
following statements correctly describes the grading of a chicken carcass
with the wingette portion of the wing missing ?
I. The missing
wingette affects the appearance of the carcass.
II. A chicken carcass
with a missing wingette is graded as “A Grade”.
III. missing parts
such as the wingette typically result in downgrading to “B Grade”.
Iv. The carcass may
still graded for “C Grade” depending on additional defects.
A) I and II only B)
I, III and Iv only
C) II and Iv only d)
I, II, III and Iv
57. Which of the following statements correctly describes the carcass judgment for poultry affected by the following diseases : Avian inuenza, fowl pox, avian leukosis and infectious bursal disease ?
I. Avian inuenza
typically results in hemorrhagic lesions in the trachea, lungs and
digestive tract, leading to total condemnation of the
II. Fowl pox presents
with nodular lesions on the skin, comb, wattles and emaciated
but the carcass may be acceptable if internal organs are
III. Avian leukosis
causes tumors in the liver and other organs, leading to total
condemnation of the carcass.
Iv. Infectious bursal
bisease often causes damage to the bursa of Fabricius, resulting
in weakened immunity and the carcass may be condemned due to
A) I and II only B)
I, III and Iv only
C) II and Iv only d)
All of the above
58. Which of the
following statements about meat and meat products packaging system are
correct ?
I. In modied
Atmosphere Packaging (mAP), nitrogen is primarily used as a ller gas.
II. Shrink lm
packaging eliminates pockets for purge accumulation.
III. To prevent
irreversible browning in vacuum packaging, the oxygen level must be
below 500 ppm.
Iv. vacuum packaging
offers excellent protection against freezer burn.
A) I and II only B)
II and Iv only
C) I, II and Iv only
d) All of the above
59. Which of the
following statements about gaseous stunning in pigs are correct ?
I. Carbon dioxide stunning results in relaxed carcasses, facilitating easier dehairing and dressing.
II. CO2 stunning reduces the incidence of PSE (pale, soft, exudative meat) and muscle splashes.
III. Inert gas stunning has a fast induction of unconsciousness but slow recovery, requiring shorter exposure times to be effective.
Iv. CO2 stunning is associated with lower labour requirements and minimal operator risks due to the absence of clonic convulsions.
A) I only B) I, II
and Iv only
C) II and III only d) All of the above
60. Which of the
following practices best ensures the welfare and meat quality of pigs during
preslaughter care ?
I. Providing pigs with a molasses-water mix before transport help to prevent glycogen loss.
II. Showering pigs with cold water in lairage help to reduce body temperature and calm them.
III. mixing of pigs of different social group just before transportation help to minimise fighting and stress.
Iv. Avoiding rough handling and isolating animals from their social group help to reduce stress.
A) I, II and III only
B) II, III and Iv
C) I and II only
d) All of the above
61. Ribose is a
___________ sugar.
A) 5C B) 4C C) 3C d) 6C
62. The enzyme
elastase is produced in
A) Intestine B)
C) Stomach d) liver
63. _________
formation is needed for fat absorption.
A) Chlomicrons B) Hdl C) vldl d) micelles
64. Calbindin
formation is induced by
A) Calcium B) vitamin d C) Protein d) Calcium phosphorous complex
65. Selenium competes
with ____________ in biochemical pathways.
A) Chromium B) Sulphur C) Protein d) Zinc
66. Curdlan is a type
A) Pectin B) lignin C) Gum d) Betaglucan
67. Physical Activity
Ratio(PAR) refers to
A) Ratio of physical
activity to rest
B) Energy cost of an
activity per unit time
C) Ratio of energy
for an activity to total energy
d) Ratio of time for a physical activity to total time
68. RDA of iron for
adult women is
A) 18 mg B) 24 mg C) 29 mg d) 27 mg
69. The hormone that
inhibits calcium absorption
A) PTH B) vitamin d C) Calcitonin d) Thyroxine
70. For dim light
A) Cis retinal is
converted to trans retinal
B) Trans retinal is
converted to Cis retinal
C) Trans retinol is
converted to retinaldehyde
d) Cisretinaldehyde is converted to trans retinol
71. HCI and Potassium
ferrocyanide are used to detect ____________ in tea.
A) Azo dyes B) Coal
tar dyes
C) Caffeine d)
72. The most common
polar adsorbent used in Column chromatography
A) Silica gel B)
Calcium carbonate
C) Calcium sulphate
d) Calcium hydroxide
73. lower Retention
factor in Tl chromatography indicates
A) lower polarity of
solute B) Higher polarity of solute
C) Higher volatile
nature d) lower volatile nature
74. In reversed phase
chromatography, stationary phase is
A) Ionic B) Neutral C) Non polar d) Polar
75. Soap bubble ow
meter is used in
A) Gas chromatography B) viscometer C) Texture analyser d) Farinograph
51-C |
52-A |
53-D |
54-B |
55-A |
56-B |
57-B |
58-D |
59-B |
60-C |
61-A |
62-B |
63-D |
64-B |
65-B |
66-D |
67-B |
68-C |
69-C |
70-A |
71-D |
72-A |
73-B |
74-C |
75-A |