Multiple Choice Questions on Scientific method

1. Scientific method involves
a) Formulation of hypothesis
b) testing of hypothesis
c) analysis of data and drawing conclusion
d) all of the above

2. In scientific method, a predictive statement about observation that can be tested scientifically is called
a) Truth
b) evidence
c) proof
d) hypothesis

3. The hypothesis which the researcher tries to disprove is called
a) alternate hypothesis
b) ad hoc hypothesis
c) null hypothesis
d) auxillary hypothesis

a) must be based on existing knowledge
b) must be simple with high predictability
c) must be empirical
d) all of these

5. Negation of alternate hypothesis is called
a) null hypothesis
b) ad hoc hypothesis
c) alternate hypothesis
d) auxillary hypothesis

6. Testing of hypothesis is called
a) alternate hypothesis
b) experiment
c) analysis

7. At the end of research process,
a) the hypothesis will always be approved
b) the hypothesis may be rejected
c) the hypothesis may be approved or rejected
d) all of these

8. Scientifically acceptable general principle formulated to explain a phenomenon based on experimental evidence is called
a) Law
b) Theory
c) proof
d) evidence

9. Theory is
a) dynamic
b) static
c) always true
d) none of these

10. Which of the following statements are true about law
a) law is a summary of large number of facts
b) often a statement or equation
c) Law is a universally accepted theory
d) all of the above

11. An universally accepted theory that is capable of making true predictions is called
a) Law
b) Theory
c) proof
d) evidence

12. Facts and figures used to support or disprove hypothesis, theory or law is called
a) Corroboration
b) Scientific evidence
c) scientific proofs
d) scientific data

13. The imitation of real thing or process is called
a) imitation
b) simulation
c) virtual testing
d) Insilco

14. Virtual testing is the
a) testing of hypothesis by Insilco method
b) testing of hypothesis by laboratory experiments
c) testing of hypothesis by research
d) testing of hypothesis by in vitro experiments

15. The process of providing evidence to support a theory that is already supported by some evidences
a) Corroboration
b) Scientific evidence
c) scientific proofs
d) scientific data

16.The scientific method in which final conclusions and generalisations are drawn from specific observations and analysis of known facts

a)inductive method b) Serendipity c) Deductive method d) Constructive method

                     MCQ on Research Methodology
1. d) all of the above
2. d) hypothesis
3. c) null hypothesis
4.d) all of these
5. a) null hypothesis
6. b) experiment
7. c) the hypothesis may be approved or rejected
8. b) Theory
9. a) dynamic
10. d) all of the above
11. a) Law
12. b) Scientific evidence
13. b) simulation
14. a) testing of hypothesis by Insilco method
15. a) Corroboration
16. a)inductive method
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