MCQ on Ecology: Ecosystem

      1.  Ecology deals with the study of:
a)  Living beings
b)  Living and non living components
c) Reciprocal relationship between living and non living components
d) Environment

2. Autoecology deals with
a) Ecology of species
b) Ecology of many species
c) Ecology of community
d) All the above

3. Synecology deals with
a) Ecology of many species
b) Ecology of many populations
c) Ecology of community
d) None of the above

4. Ecotype is a type of species in which environmentally induced variations are
a) Temporary
b) Genetically fixed
c) Genetically not related
d) None of the above

5.  The term ‘Biocoenosis’ was proposed by
a) Transley
b) Carl Mobius
c) Warming
d) None of the above

6.  The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is
a) Always upright
b) May be upright or invented
c) Always inverted
d) None of the above

7. Energy flow in ecosystem is
a) Unidirectional
b) Bidirectional
c) Multidirectional
d) None of the above
8. An ecosystem must have continuous external source of
a) minerals
b) energy
c) food
d) All of the above

9. The source of energy in an ecosystem is
a) ATP
b) Sunlight
c) D.N.A
d) R.N.A

10. Trophic levels are formed by
a) Only plants
b) only animals
c) Only carnivorous
d) Organisms linked in food chain

11. Biotic potential is counteracted by
a) Competition with other organisms
b) Producer is the largest
c) Limitation of food supply
d) None of the above

12. Definition of ecosystem is
a) The community of organisms together with the environment in which they live
b) The abiotic component of a habitat
c) The part of the earth and its atmosphere which inhibits living organisms
d) A community of organisms interacting with one another

13. In a food chain of grassland ecosystem the top consumers are
a) Herbivorous
c) Bacteria
d) Either carnivorous or herbivorous

14. MAB stands for
a) Man and biosphere
b) Man, antibiotics and bacteria
c) Man and biotic community
d) Mayer, Anderson and Bisby

15. Species that occur in different geographical regions separated by special barrier are:
a) Allopatric
c) Sibling
d) None of the above
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