MCQ on Evolution

1. Which one is used for knowing whether or not a population is evolving?
a) Degree of evolution
b) Genetic drift
c) Proportion between acquired variations
      d) Hardy Weinberg equation

2. According to De Vries theory, evolution is
a) jerky
b) discontinuous
c) continuous and smooth
d)  both a and b

3. Mutation may be described as
a) Continuous genetic variation
b) Phenotypic change
c)  Discontinuous genetic variation
d) change due to hybridisation

4. The theory of use and disuse was given by
a) Stebbins
b) Lamarck
c) Aristotle
d) Vavilov

5. The evolution of a species is based upon the sum total of adaptive changes preserved by
a) natural selection
b) isolation
c) speciation
d) human conservation

6. Genetic drift is on account of
a) variations
b) mutation
c) increase in population
d) decrease in population

7. According to Neo- Darwinism, natural selection operates through
a) Fighting between organisms
b) Variations
c) Killing weaker organism
d) Differential reproduction

8. Sympatric speciation develops reproductive isolation without
a) Geographic barrier
b) barrier to mating
c) barrier to gene flow
d) genetic change

9. Quick change in phenotypes in a small band of colonizers is called
a) Founder effect
b) Genetic bottleneck
c) Genetic drift
d) Gene flow

10. Genetic drift is found in
a) Small population with or without mutated genes
b) large population with random mating
c) plant population
d) animal population

11.Which is related to reproduce isolation
a) genetic isolation
b)temporal isolation
c) behavioral isolation
d) all of these.

12. In which condition gene ratio remains constant in a species?
a)  gene flow
b) mutation
c) random mating
d) sexual selection

13. Lamarck theory of organic evolution is usually known as  
a)  Natural selection
b) Inheritance of acquired characters
c) Descent with change
d) continuity of germplasm

14. A species inhabiting different geographical areas is known as
a) sympatric
b) allopatric
c) sibling
d) biospecies
15. Balancing selection is concerned with the successful reproduction of
a) Homozygous recessives
b) homozygous individuals
c) heterozygous individuals
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