11. The inner membrane of the mitochondria is usually, highly convoluted forming a series of infolding known as
11. c) cristae
12. d) inner mitochondrial membrane
13. b) both chloroplast and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bound by the thylakoid membrane (Refer: Mitochondria and Chloroplast)
14. b) the enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane
15. d) Oxidation reduction reaction
16. a) Cardiolipin
17. d) Mitochondria is the site of Calvin cycle
18. b) glycolysis and associated ATP production
19. d) simple, double stranded circular DNA molecule
20. d) all of these
a) thylakoids12. Oxysomes of F0-F1 particles occur on
b) lamellae
c) cristae
d) grana
a) Thylakoids13. Select the wrong statements from the following.
b) Mitochondrial surface
c) chloroplast surface
d) inner mitochondrial membrane
a) Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain an inner and outer membrane14. Which of the following statements regarding mitochondrial membrane is not correct?
b) both chloroplast and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bound by the thylakoid membrane
c) the chloroplasts are generally mush larger than mitochondria
d)Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain DNA
a) the outer membrane resembles a sieve15. In mitochondria , cristae act as sites for
b) the enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane
c) The outer membrane is permeable to all kinds of molecules
d) the outer membrane permeable to all kinds of molecules
a) protein synthesis
b) phosphoryaltion of flavoproteins
c) breakdown of macromolecules
d) Oxidation reduction reaction
16.Mitochondrial inner membrane is rich in phospholipid
a) Cardiolipin17. All the statements are true except
b) Phosphatidyl inositol
c) Phosphatidyl serine
d) Phosphatidyl choline
a) Mitochondria are called as the “power plants or power houses” of the cell18. Which of the following is not a function of mitochondrion
b) Mitochondrial DNA is called mt DNA
c) Mitochondria is the site of oxidative phosphorylation and Krebs cycle
d) Mitochondria is the site of Calvin cycle
a) electron transport cahin and associated ATP production19. mt DNA is
b) glycolysis and associated ATP production
c) Fatty acid breakdown
d) non-shivering thermogenesis
a) simple, double stranded linear DNA molecule20. The inner mitochondrial membrane has
b) simple, single stranded linear DNA molecule
c) simple, single stranded circular DNA molecule
d) simple, double stranded circular DNA molecule
a) NADH dehydrogenase complexLearn more
b) b-c1 complex
c) cytochrome oxidase complex
d) all of these
11. c) cristae
12. d) inner mitochondrial membrane
13. b) both chloroplast and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bound by the thylakoid membrane (Refer: Mitochondria and Chloroplast)
14. b) the enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane
15. d) Oxidation reduction reaction
16. a) Cardiolipin
17. d) Mitochondria is the site of Calvin cycle
18. b) glycolysis and associated ATP production
19. d) simple, double stranded circular DNA molecule
20. d) all of these
function of mitochondria
mitochondria mcq
Mitochondrial inner membrane
mt DNA