16. The process of Photosynthesis is

a) Reductive, exergonic and catabolic17. A photosynthetic organism that does not release oxygen is
b) Reductive, endergonic and catabolic
c) Reductive, endergonic and anabolic
d) Reductive, exergonic and anabolic
a) Blue green algae18. Who was the first to study the influence of light during photosynthesis?
b) Green alga
c) Green sulphur Bacterium
d) Lichen
a) Van Niel19. 90% of the total photosynthesis is carried out by
b) Blackmann
c) Warburg
d) J. Ingenhouz
a) algae20. An essential process connected with photosynthesis is
b) Mesophytes
c) Pteridophytes
d) Xerophytes
a) Synthesis of glucose21. The site of the Dark reaction of photosynthesis is
b) Photolysis of water
c) Photophosphorylation
d) Breakdown of glucose
a) grana22. Which of the following is least effective in photosynthesis?
b) stroma
c) thaylakoids
d) Both (a) and (b)
a) Blue light23. The hydrogen donor in bacterial photosynthesis is usually
b) Green light
c) Red light
d) Sunlight
a) Water24. The percentage of light energy fixed in photosynthesis is generally around
b) Ammonia
c) Sulphur
d) Hydrogen sulphide
a) 0.1 %25. Light is necessary for the process of photosynthesis to
b) 1 %
c) 10%
d) 100%
a) Split carbon dioxide
b) Produce ATP and a reducing substance
c) Release energy
d) combine carbon dioxide and water
26. Plants have evolved to overcome the affinity of Rubisco to Oxygen by spatial and time separation of carbon dioxide fixation from the vicinity of atmosphere having oxygen and carbon dioxide
a) C2 cycle is separation in space and CAM in time respectively
b) CAM is separation in space and C4 cycle in time respectively
c) C4 cycle is separation in space and CAM in time respectively
Learn more: MCQ on Photosynthesis (Questions 1- 15)
16. d) Reductive, endergonic and anabolic
17. c) Green sulfur Bacterium
18. d) J. Ingenhouz
19. a) algae
20. b) Photolysis of water
21. b) stroma
22. b) Greenlight
23. d) Hydrogen sulfide
24. b) 1 %
25. b) Produce ATP and a reducing substance
26. c) C4 cycle is separation in space and CAM in time respectively
16. d) Reductive, endergonic and anabolic
17. c) Green sulfur Bacterium
18. d) J. Ingenhouz
19. a) algae
20. b) Photolysis of water
21. b) stroma
22. b) Greenlight
23. d) Hydrogen sulfide
24. b) 1 %
25. b) Produce ATP and a reducing substance
26. c) C4 cycle is separation in space and CAM in time respectively
mcq on photosynthesis