Multiple Choice on Genetics Vocabulary

1. Observable characters of an organism is called
a) Trait
b) Phenotype
c) Genotype
d) Character
  Genetics Vocabulary
2. The unit of recombination is called
a) Muton
b) Recon
c) Cistron
d) All of these

3. A segment of DNA that codes for a functional polypeptide or an RNA molecule is called
a) allele
b) gene
c) recon
d) muton

4. Haploid refers to
a) the number of chromosomes in the somatic cell of an adult organism
b) the number of chromosomes in the gamete of an organism
c) more than one set of chromosomes
d) Sets of chromosome

5. Alternate forms of a gene is called
a) phenotype
b) allele
c) genotype
d) genome

6. The genetic constitution of an organism is called
a) genotype
b) trait
c) phenotype
d) genome

7. The character which is expressed in the F1 generation is called
a) co-dominant
b) dominant
c) recessive
d) hemizygous

8. An individual having two different allele for one or more genes is referred as
a) homozygous
b) heterozygous
c) hemizygous
d) heterochromatic

9. Holandric genes are
a) genes carried on autosomes
b) genes carried on X chromosomes
c) genes carried on Y chromosomes
d) genes carried on any chromosomes

10. The crossing of F1 hybrid to one of its parents is called
a) test cross
b) back cross
c) reciprocal cross
d) monohybrid cross

11. The crossing of F1 hybrid to recessive parent is called
test cross
a) test cross
b) back cross
c) reciprocal cross
d) monohybrid cross

12. The phenotype found normally in a species is called
a) dominant type
b) mutant type
c) wild type
d) none of these

Learn More:
1. b) Phenotype
2. b) Recon
3. b) gene
4. b) the number of chromosomes in the gamete of an organism
5. b) allele
6. a) genotype
7. b) dominant
8. b) heterozygous
9. c) genes carried on Y chromosomes
10. b) back cross
11. a) test cross
12. c) wild type


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