Multiple choice on Translation in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

MCQ on Translation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
1. Which of the following is the correct statement regarding translation?
a) DNA dependent protein synthesis
b) RNA dependent protein synthesis
c) RNA dependent nucleotide synthesis
d) DNA dependent amino acid synthesis
Multiple choice on Translation in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
2. Which of the following is true regarding the site of prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation?
a) the site of prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation is cytoplasm
b) Eukaryotic translation occurs in nucleus whereas prokaryotic translation occurs in cytoplasm
c) Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation occurs in nucleus
d) Eukaryotic translation occurs in nucleus whereas prokaryotic translation occurs in nucleoid  region

3. Which of the following is true regarding the mRNA for translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
a) mRNA is polycistronic in Prokaryotes and has extensive mRNA processing where as mRNA is monocistronic in Eukaryotes and has little mRNA processing
b) mRNA is polycistronic in both Prokaryotes and eukaryotes where as extensive mRNA processing occurs in eukaryotes and little mRNA processing in prokaryotes
c) mRNA is polycistronic in Prokaryotes and has little mRNA processing where as mRNA is monocistronic in Eukaryotes and has extensive mRNA processing
d) mRNA is monocistronic in both Prokaryotes and eukaryotes where as extensive mRNA processing occurs in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes

4. The ribosomes involved in translation in Prokaryotes and eukaryotes is
a) 50S and 30S in prokaryotes and 60S and 40S in Eukaryotes
b) 80S in Prokaryotes and 70S in Eukaryotes
c) 60S and 30S in prokaryotes and 60S and 40S in Eukaryotes
d) 60S and 40S in prokaryotes and 60S and 50S in Eukaryotes

5. All the following are true regarding translation initiation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes except
a) Ribosome small sub unit binds to Shine Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes whereas Ribosome small sub unit binds to the 5’ 7MeG cap of eukaryotic mRNA
b) Ribosome small sub unit binds to Shine Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes whereas Ribosome small sub unit binds to the Kozak sequence of eukaryotic mRNA
c) SD sequence is a conserved sequence in Prokaryotic mRNA whereas Kozak sequence is a conserved sequence in Eukaryotic mRNA
d) In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, ribosome large sub unit binds only after binding of small sub unit with mRNA

6. During translation initiation, initiator tRNA is
a) fMet tRNA in Eukaryotes and Met tRNA in Prokaryotes
b) Met tRNA in Eukaryotes and fMet tRNA in Prokaryotes
c) Met tRNA in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
d) fMet tRNA in Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

7. IF2 in prokaryotes and eIF2 in eukaryotes assists in   
a) Preventing binding of large ribosomal sub unit
b) Preventing premature entry of tRNA to A site
c) Delivering initiator tRNA to ribosomal small sub unit
d)All of the above

8. All the following statements regarding translation elongation is correct except
a) EF-Tu bringing aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) to A site of the ribosome in Prokaryotes
eEF1α bringing aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) to A site of the ribosome in eukaryotes
b) In Prokaryotes, EF-Ts is involved in translocation
In Eukaryotes, eEF2  is involved in translocation
c) In Prokaryotes, EF P is involved in peptide bond formation
In Eukaryotes, EEIF5A  is involved in peptide bond formation
d)  In Eukaryotes, eEF1 βϒ : generates active eEF1α
In Prokaryotes, EF-Ts is also involved in recycling EF Tu

9. Which of the following is the correct statement regarding termination of translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
a) Stop anti codon with tRNA binds to corresponding 3 stop codons in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
b) 3 release factors binds to all 3 stop codons in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
c) RF2 recognizes all 3 stop codons in prokaryotes and RF 1  recognizes all 3 stop codons in eukaryotes
d) 3 release factors in prokaryotes and 1 RF in eukaryotes

10. Extensive Post translational modification (PTMs) is  
a) common in both prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
b) rare in prokaryotes and common in Eukaryotes
c) rare in both prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
d) None of the above
1. b) RNA dependent protein synthesis
2. a) the site of prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation is cytoplasm
3. c) mRNA is polycistronic in Prokaryotes and has little mRNA processing where as mRNA is monocistronic in Eukaryotes and has extensive mRNA processing
4. a)50S and 30S in prokaryotes and 60S and 40S in Eukaryotes
5. b) Ribosome small sub unit binds to Shine Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes whereas Ribosome small sub unit binds to the Kozak sequence of eukaryotic mRNA
6. b) Met tRNA in Eukaryotes and fMet tRNA in Prokaryotes
7. c) delivering initiator tRNA to ribosomal small sub unit
8. b) In Prokaryotes, EF-Ts is involved in translocation
In Eukaryotes, eEF2  is involved in translocation
9. d) 3 release factors in prokaryotes and 1 RF in eukaryotes
10. b) rare in prokaryotes and common in Eukaryotes


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