Botany Multiple Choice Questions (Set 1)

1. Viral reverse transcriptase copies the viral RNA to DNA in cytoplasm and then the DNA moves into the nucleus. This process occurs in the case of

A) Poxviridae B) Rhabdoviridae  C) Retroviridae D) Reoviridae

2. Adaptive immunity response is acquired after infection. Find the correct sequence of adaptive immunity response

A) Pathogen enters→APC triggers B cells via T helper cell→Antibodies

B) Pathogen enters→macrophage and dentritic cells recognize the antigen → engulf, process and present→APC interact with lymphocytes→ activate lymphocytes→adaptive immune response

C) Pathogen enters→phagocytes became activated→trigger cytotoxic T cells→Nk cells kills infected cells

D) Pathogen enters→mast cell degranulation→inflamation→immunity

3. Macdonald Pfitzer’s law is related to the

A) Progressive decrease in the cell size in diatoms during cell division

B) Progressive increase in the cell size in diatoms during cell division

C) Progressive decrease in the cell size during auxospore formation in Centrales

D) Progressive decrease in the cell size during auxospore formation in Pennales

4. Many Rhodophyceae members can achieve high degree of thallus development. But some of them are unicellular. Identify a pair of unicellular red algae from the following.

A) Porphyridium and Chroothece

B) Goniotrichum and Asterocyctis

C) Porphyra and Chondrus

D) Gracilaria and Gelidium

Botany MCQ - PG Level Questions -SET Exam Questions and Answers (Set 1)

5. Myxomycetes, the fungus like organisms are characterized by

1. Wall less myxamoebae, swarm cells and plasmodium

2. Spores with chitinous cell wall

3. Spores with cellulose cell wall

4. Fructifications with a thin wall called peridium which is often calcified and may contain cellulose

A) 1, 2 & 4 B) 1, 3 & 4 C) 1 & 2 D) 1 & 4

6. Match the following

List I                                List II

a. Agaricus bisporous      1. Puff ball

b. Amanita phalloides      2. Death cap

c. Lycoperdon sps.          3. Oyster mushroom

d. Pleurotus sajor-caju     4. Button mushroom

A) a- 1 b-2 c-3 d-4

B) a- 4 b-2 c-3 d-1

C) a-4 b-2 c-1 d-3 

D) a -3 b-4 c-2 d-1

7. Cyphellae, Cephalodia, Isidia and Soredia are certain specialized structures associated with thalli of:

A) Certain Algae  B) Some Fungi C) Lichens  D) Certain Bryophytes

8. The spore dispersal mechanism of Funaria?

A) Pseudo elaters 

B) elaters

C) Peristomial teeth 

D) No special mechanism

9. Which among the following is a pteridophyte without the differentiation into true

leaves and roots?

A) Azolla B) Marselia C) Lepidodendron D) Rhynia

10. Which of the following stelar types in Pteridophytes has leaf traces?

A) Protostele B) Siphonostele C) Dictyostele D) Both B and C

11. Which one of the following Gymnosperms is a profusely branching shrub?

A) Ginkgo biloba B) Ephedra distachya C) Gnetum gnemon D) Welwitschia mirabilis

12. The general pollination mechanism in gymnosperms is:

A) Entomophily B) Anemophily C) Malacophily D) Chiropteriphily

13. The plant genus of Samara fruit type is:

A) Acacia B) Capsella C) Dioscorea D) Calotropis

14. Rule of priority of ICBN states that

A) The earliest applicable, properly published name is the correct one

B) Botanical nomenclature is independent of zoological nomenclature

C) Scientific names of taxonomic groups are treated as Latin regardless of their derivation

D) The application of names of taxonomic groups is determined by means of nomenclatural types

15. Hypanthodium is a special type of inflorescence seen in:

A) Dianthus B) Dorstenia C) Poinsettia D) Ficus

16. Match the following:

 List I                                List II

a. Nymphaeaceae        1. pollinia

b. Brassicaceae            2. trifid style

c Dipterocarpaceae      3. laminar stamen

d. Asclepiadaceae        4. siliqua

A) a- 3 b-1 c-4 d-2 B) a- 4 b-2 c-3 d-1  C) a-4 b-2 c-1 d-3 D) a-3 b-4 c-2 d-1

17. Head office of NBPGR is at:

A) New Delhi B) Mumbai C) Kolkata D) Chennai

18. Indigo is obtained from several species of Indigofera. In the plant the dye occurs as a colourless glycoside in the

A) seeds B) fruit C) leaves D) bark

19. Investigating plants used by societies in various parts of the world is known as

Ethnobotany. The father of ethnobotany is

A) Richard Evans Schultes  

B) Jacques Cartier 

C) Frank Cushing  

D) John William Harshberger

20. Match the following

 List I                                            List II

a. Heart wood                       1. Gymnosperms

b. Hard wood                         2. Recently formed wood

c Sapwood                            3. Angiosperms

d. Soft wood                          4. Tyloses

A) a-3 b-1 c-4 d-2 

B) a- 4 b-2 c-3 d-1

C) a-4 b-2 c-1 d-3

D) a-4 b-3 c-2 d-1


1. C) Retroviridae
2. B) Pathogen enters→macrophage and dentritic cells recognize the antigen → engulf, process and present→APC interact with lymphocytes→ activate lymphocytes→adaptive immune response
3. A) Progressive decrease in the cell size in diatoms during cell division
4. A) Porphyridium and Chroothece
5. B) 1, 3 & 4
6. C) a-4 b-2 c-1 d-3 
7. Lichens 
8. C) Peristomial teeth 
9. D) Rhynia
10. C) Dictyostele 
11. B) Ephedra distachya
12. B) Anemophily
13. C) Dioscorea 
14. A) The earliest applicable, properly published name is the correct one
15. D) Ficus
16. D) a-3 b-4 c-2 d-1
17. A) New Delhi 
18. C) leaves
19. A) Richard Evans Schultes 
20. D) a-4 b-3 c-2 d-1

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