1. The first artificial plant hybrid was made by
A) Thomas Fairchild
B) De Vries
C) Borlaug
D) M.S.Swaminathan
2. The first man-made cereal ‘Triticale’ has been developed from a cross between
A) Wheat and Oat
B) Wheat and Maize
C) Maize and Rice
D) Wheat and Rye
3. The common bread wheat is called
A) Triticum aestivum
B) Triticum turgidum
C) Triticum monococcum
D) None of these
4. A ‘trisomic’ individual has
A) An extra chromosome
B) One less chromosome
C) Two extra chromosomes
D) One pair of an extra chromosome
5. The common bread wheat is
A) Allotetraploid
B) Allohexaploid
C) Auto tetraploid
D) Diploid
6. Norman Borlaug, the Father of the Green Revolution, revolutionized agriculture by developing new varieties of
A) Wheat B) Rice C) Maize D) Corn
7. The primary Centre of origin of rice is
A) Asia minor centre
B) Central Asia centre
C) Hindustan centre
D) Mediterranean centre
8. If the male plant is diploid and the female plant is tetraploid, the endosperm will be
A) Haploid
B) Pentaploid
C) Triploid
D) Tetraploid
9. In a hexaploid plant 2n=42. The base chromosome number x =
A) 21
B) 7
C) 14
D) 12
10. Colchicine induces polyploidy by
A) Inhibiting cell division
B) Promoting cell division
C) Inhibiting spindle formation
D) Doubling the Chromosome size
11. The quickest method of plant breeding is
a) introduction
b) Selection
c) Hybridisation
d) Mutation Breeding
12. Which one of the following carries dwarf genes with high protein and lysine percentage in wheat.
A) Lerma safed
B) Kalyan
C) Sharbati sonara
D) Sonalika
13. The Hybrid variety cotton was obtained by crossing two different strains of Gossypium hirsutum is
A) Godhavari
B) Varalaxmi
C) Savitri
D) Jayalaxmi
14. BSI is located at
A) Lucknow
B) Mysore
C) Kolkatta
D) Kerala
15. Triticum aestivum is a polyploidy with genomes from
A) Triticum monococum & Aegilopss peltoedus
B) Aegilopss peltoedus & Aegilopsiss quarrosa
C) Aegilopsis squarrosa & Triticum monococum
D) Triticummonococum , Aegilopss peltoedus & Aegilopsiss quarrosa
Learn more: Quiz on Plant Breeding
1.A) Thomas Fairchild
2. D) Wheat and Rye
3.A) Triticum aestivum
4. A) An extra chromosome
5. B) Allohexaploid
6. A) Wheat
7. C) Hindustan centre
8. B) Pentaploid
9. B) 7
10. C) Inhibiting spindle formation
11. d) Mutation Breeding
12. C) Sharbati sonara
13.A) Godhavari
14.C) Kolkatta
15.D) Triticummonococum , Aegilopss peltoedus & Aegilopsiss quarrosa