1. Which
among the following system is not a phylogenetic system of classification?
a) Charles Bessey
b) Robert Thorne
c) Engler & Prantl
d) De Candolle
2. Who among the following proposed a phylogenetic system of classification?
a) Carl Linnaeus
b) Bentham and Hooker
c) John Hutchinson
d) Charles Darwin
3. Which among the following is considered a demerit of the ‘Engler and
system of classification?
a) Gymnosperms are placed between
Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons
b) Gymnosperms are placed among Dicotyledons
c) Dicotyledons are placed before
d) Dicotyledons are placed after
4. Phylogenetic system of classification is
based on
a) morphological features
b) chemical constituents
c) floral characters
d) evolutionary relationships
5. Phenetic classification of organisms is
based on
a) observable characteristics of existing
b) the ancestral lineage of existing organisms
c) dendrogram based on DNA characteristics
d) sexual characteristics
6. A system of classification, in which a
large number of traits are considered, is
a) natural system
b) phylogenetic system
c) artificial system
d) synthetic system
7. Phylogenetic classification is one that is
based on
a) overall similarities
b) utilitarian system
c) habits of plants
d) common evolutionary descent
8. The system of classification used by
Linnaeus was
a) natural system
b) artificial system
c) phylogenetic system
d) asexual system
9. Artificial system of classification was
first used by
a) Linnaeus
b) De Candolle
c) Bentham and Hooker.
d) Pliny the Elder
10. Classification given by Bentham and
Hooker is
a) artificial
b) natural
c) phylogenetic
d) numerical.
11 In the system of classification by Bentham
& Hooker dicotyledonous plants have been classified as
a) Polypetalae, Gamopetalae, Monochlamydae
b) Polypetalae, Gamopetalae, Dichlamydae
c) Archechlamydae, Polypetalae, Monochlamydae
d) None of these
Learn more: MCQ
on Plant Physiology
1. d) De Candolle
2. c) John Hutchinson
3. d) Dicotyledons are placed after
4. d) evolutionary relationships
5. a) observable characteristics of
existing organisms
6. a) natural system
7. d) common evolutionary descent
8. b) artificial system
9. a) Linnaeus
10. (b) natural
11. a) Polypetalae, Gamopetalae, Monochlamydae