MCQ on Major International Environmental Conventions Treaties Agreement and Organizations | Ecology MCQ

1. An international agreement that aimed to manage and reduce carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases is

A) Rio Summit

B) Kyoto Protocol

C) Montreal Protocol

D) Stockholm Convention

MCQ on Major International Environmental Conventions Treaties Agreement and Organizations | Ecology MCQ

2. An international agreement designed to protect the stratospheric ozone layer is 

A) Copenhagen Protocol

B) Kyoto Protocol 

C) Montreal Protocol 

D) Paris Summit 

3. Match the international treaties with their targeted environmental threat 

a. Montreal protocol- 1987 1. Against Persistent organic pollutants

b. Paris agreement- 2015 2. To set emission targets for developed countries

c. Kyoto Protocol 3. To protect Ozone layer 

d. Stockholm Convention  4). For action against climate change 

A) a- 3, b- 4, c- 2,d- 1 

B) a- 1, b- 4, c- 2,d- 3 

C) a- 4, b- 3, c- 2,d- 1 

D) a- 2, b- 4, c- 3,d- 1

4. In  which year the UN convention on biological diversity was enacted:


B) 2002

C) 2004

D) 1972

5. Match the following 

a. Montreal convention         i)ozone depletion

b. Rio Summit                      ii)greenhouse gas

c. Ramsar convention           iii) Convention on Biological Diversity

d. Kyoto Protocol                 iv)Wetland convention

A) a -iii, b -ii, c-i, d-iv

B) a -iv, b -iii, c-i, d-ii

C) a -i, b -iii, c-iv, d-ii

D) a -i, b -ii, c-iv, d-iii

6. What was the earlier name of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)?

A) International Union for Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

B) International Union for Conservation of Nature

C) International Union for Protection of Nature 

D) International Union for Nature Protection

7. When did the convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora come into force?

A) 1 July 1972

B) 1 July 1971

C) 1 July 1974

D) 1 July 1975

8. The international organization involved as the single agency or as a major partner in all of the following initiatives: 

1. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 

2. The Convention on Wetlands 

3. Publication of ‘Caring for the Earth’ 

4. Business and Biodiversity Programme 

5. Publication of the list of world’s most threatened species 




D) World Wide Fund for Nature

9. Following table gives a list of international environment agreements and areas covered.

A. Basal convention         i)Biosafety

B. Cartagena Protocol       ii)Control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal

C. Kyoto protocol             iii) Greenhouse gas emission reductions

D. Stockholm convention  iv)Persistent organic pollutants

Which of the following is the correct combination?

1) A -i, B -ii, C-iv, D-iii

2) A -ii, B -i, C-iii, D-iv

3) A -iv, B -i, C-iii, D-ii

4) A -ii, B -iv, C-iii, D-i

10.What is Kigali Amendment which is recently ratified by the Government of India? 

A) On phasing down climate-damaging refrigerant Hydrofluorocarbons 

B) Global conventions on carbon dioxide emission reduction/limitation

C) On noise pollution – occupational hazards 

D) Phase out heavy metal pollution & biocide residues 

11.The historic Convention on Biological Diversity, ‘The Earth Summit’ was held in Rio de Janeiro in the year

A) 1992

B) 1986

C) 2002

D) 1985


1. B) Kyoto Protocol

2. C) Montreal Protocol 

3. A) a- 3, b- 4, c- 2,d- 1 

4. B) 2002

5. C) a -i, b -iii, c-iv, d-ii

6. C) International Union for Protection of Nature 

7. D) 1 July 1975

8. A) IUCN 

9. 2) A -ii, B -i, C-iii, D-iv

10. A) On phasing down climate-damaging refrigerant Hydrofluorocarbons 

11. A) 1992

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