MCQ on Environmental Biotechnology
a) the use of microbes to clean up the environment
b) bioremediation
c) the study of benefits and hazards associated with GMMs
d) all of these
2. The use of living microorganism to degrade environmental pollutants is called
a) microremediation
b) nanoremediation
c) bioremediation
d) all of these
3. Which of the following bacterium is called as the superbug that could clean up oil spills
a) Bacillus subtilis
b) Pseudomonas putida
c) Pseudomonas denitrificans
d) Bacillus denitrificans
4. The process of extracting metals from ore bearing rocks is called
b) microbial extraction
c) biofiltration
d) bioleaching
5. The process of converting environmental pollutants into harmless products by naturally occurring microbes is called
a) exsitu bioremediation
b) Intrinsic bioremediation
c) extrinsic bioremediation
d) none of these
6. Ex situ bioremediation involves the
a) degradation of pollutants by microbes directly
b) removal of pollutants and collection at a place to facilitate microbial degradation
c) degradation of pollutants by genetically engineered microbes
d) none of these
7. Which of the following microbe is widely used in the removal of industrial wastes
a) Trichoderma sp
b) Aspergillus niger
c) Pseudomonas putida
d) all of these
8. Microorganisms remove metals by
a) adsorption and complexation
b) adsorption and precipitation
c) adsorption and volatilization
d) all of these
9. Chlorella sp are widely used in the removal of
a) organic wastes
b) hydrocarbons
c) heavy metals
d) all of these
10. A non directed physico chemical interaction between heavy metal ions and microbial surface is called
a) Biotransformation
b) bioconversion
c) biosorption
d) biomining
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1. d) all of these2. c) bioremediation
3. b) Pseudomonas putida
4. d) bioleaching
5. b) Intrinsic bioremediation
6. b) removal of pollutants and collection at a place to facilitate microbial degradation
7. b) Aspergillus niger
8. d) all of these
9. c) heavy metals
10. c) biosorption
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