Multiple Choice Questions on Stelar System in Pteridophytes | Plant Science MCQ

1. Stele includes
Stelar system in Plants
a) Vascular tissue
b) Vascular tissue and pith
c) Vascular tissue, pith and pericycle
d) Vascular tissue, pith, pericycle and endodermis

2. Simplest stele is
a) protostele
b) dictyostele
c) stenostele

3. Most primititive type of stele found in pteridophytes is
a) dicytostele
b) solenostele
c) siphonostele
d) protostele

4. Protostele is stele divided into many parts
a) Angiosperm stele
b) Stele divided into many parts
c) Latent stele
d) Early stele with central solid xylem surrounded by phloem

5. Pith is absent in
a) siphonostele
b) solenostele
c) dictyostele
d) protostele

6. The vascular supply given from the main single stele for leaf is called
a) leaf gap
b) branch trace
c) leaf trace
d) leaf width

7. Foliar gap in vascular cylinder of fern is
a) Parenchymatous zone
b) Air spaces
c) Exclusively xylem area
d) Exclusively phloem area

8. Amphiphloic siphonstele occurs in the stem of
Amphiphloic siphonstele
a) Pteris
b) Lycopodium
c) Marsilea
d) Lycopodium

9. Polystelic condition is found in
a) Rachis of Pteris
b) Stem of all species of Selaginella
c) Stem of Selaginella wildenowii
d) Roots of Dryopteris

10. Meristeles are found in
a) Pinus needle
b) fern leaf
c) Cycas stem
d) Fern Rhizome

11. The most advanced parallel-banded stele in the Pteridophyta
a) Haplostele  b) Plectostele c) Actinostele  d) Mixed protostele 

12. The protostele of --------------species shows variations with respect to its shape and arrangement of vascular tissue such as actinostele, plectostele, mixed protostels and plectosteles
a) Marsilea b) Salvinia c) Equisetum  d) Lycopodium

Learn more:
1. c) Vascular tissue, pith and pericycle
2. a) protostele
3. d) protostele
4. d) Early stele with central solid xylem surrounded by phloem
5. d) protostele
6. c) leaf trace
7. a) Parenchymatous zone
8. c) Marsilea
9. c) Stem of Selaginella wildenowii
10. d) Fern Rhizome
11.  b) Plectostele
12. d) Lycopodium


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