MCQ on Scientists and their Contribution | Microbiology

  1. Match the scientists in Group I with their contributions in microbiology in Group I

MCQ on Scientists and their Contribution | Microbiology

A) P-I, Q-II, R-III, S- V

B) P-II, Q-IV, R-III, S- V

C) P-II, Q-I, R-III, S- IV


2. Final blow to spontaneous generation was given by

A) Louis Pasteur

 B) Robert Koch

C) John Tyndall 

D) John Needham

3. Bacterial conjugation was described by

A) Zinder and Lidenberg 

B) Lederberg and Tatum

C) Tatum and Zinder 

D) Beadle and Tatum

4. ----described cell in a dead cork tissue

A)Louis Pasteur

B) Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

C) Tatum and Zinder 

D)Robert Hook 

5. According to Pasteur statements which one of the following is true

A) Living organisms discriminate between stereoisomers

B) Fermentation is a aerobic process

C) Living organisms doesn’t discriminate between stereoisomers

D) Both a and b

6 Who provide the evidence that bacteriophage nucleic acid but not protein enters the host cell during infection

A) Alfred D.Hershey & Leonard Tatum in 1951.

B) Alfred D.Hershey & Zindar Lederberg in 1951.

C)  Alfred D.Hershey & Martha Chase in 1952.

D) Alfred D.Hershey & Macleod in 1952.

7. Antiseptic methods were first introduced by

A)Lord Lister 

B) Iwanowski

C)  Beijernick 

D) Edward Jenner

8. The transfer of genetic material during transformation is proved basing on Griffith’s experiment by

A) Avery Macleod & Mc.Carthy

B. Lederberg & Taulum

C. Zinder & Lederberg

D. Watson & Crick

9. Phagocytic theory was proposed by

A. Louis Pasteur 

B. Elie Metchnikoff

C. Behring

D. Widal

10 . Anaphylaxia was first observed by

A. Parter & Richet 

B. Coombs

C. Gell 

D. None of these

11. E.coli was first isolated by

A. Louis Pasteur 

B. Escherich

C. Shiga 

D. Robert Koch

12. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first discovered by

A. Robert Koch 

B. Edward Jenner

C. Louis Pasteur

D. None of these


1. B) P-II, Q-IV, R-III, S- V

2. C) John Tyndall 

3. B) Lederberg and Tatum

4. D)Robert Hook 

5. A) Living organisms discriminate between stereoisomers

6. C)  Alfred D.Hershey & Martha Chase in 1952.

7. A)Lord Lister 

8. A) Avery Macleod & Mc.Carthy

9.B. Elie Metchnikoff

10. A. Parter & Richet 

11. B. Escherich

12. A. Robert Koch 

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