1. Protozoa which completely lack trophic organelles are classified under
a) Ciliophora
b) Sporozoa
c) Rhizopoda
d) Flagellata
2. Highest degree of differentiation of the body is reached in
a) Parameceium
b) Euglena
c) Trypanosoma
d) Amoeba
3. The primary grouping of protozoa is based upon their
a) Feeding habits
b) Mode of reproduction
c) Mode of locomotion
d) Mode of nutrition
4. African sleeping sickness is caused by
a) Giardia intestinalis
b) Leishmania donovani
c) Trypanosoma gambiense
d) Entamoeba histolytica
5. An example of a dimorphic protozoan is
a) Amoeba proteus
b) Parameceium
c) Polystomella
d) Plasmodium
6. Besides erythrocytes, the plasmodium attacks one more type of cells
in our body; these are
a) Muscle cells
b) Nerve cells
c) Kidney cells
d) Hepatocytes
7. Contractile vacuole is present in
a) Marine protozoa
b) Fresh water protozoans
c) Both a and b
d) Parasitic protozoa
a) Offence
b) Defence
c) Fight or flight response
d) None of these
9. The
intermediate host of malarial parasite is
a) man
c) female anopheles
d) monkeys
10. The most widely accepted theory of locomotion in amoeba is
a) Rolling movement theory
b) Suface tension theorey
c) Contraction hydraulic theory
d) Mast’s sol-gel theory
11. Locomotor organelles in the parasitic protozoa of class sporozoa
a) Cilia
b) Flagella
c) Pseudopodia
d) Absent
12. Entamoeba can be identified from amoeba due to the absence of
a) Pseudopodia
b) Nucleus
c) Food vacuoles
d) Contractile vacuole
a) Saprozoic
b) Saprophytic
c) Holophytic
d) Holozoic
14. A major evolutionary advance exhibited by protozoan cell as
contrasted with a bacterium
a) Formation of permeable cell membrane
b) Presence a nucleus
c) Presence of extensive system of
cytoplasmic organelles
d) Both (b)and (c)
15. Sleeping sickness in man is caused by trypanosome by the bite of
the infective
a) male tse-tse fly
b) female tse-tse fly
c) both male and female tse-tse fly
d) male and female Aedes mosquito
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- MCQ on
Kingdom Monera / MCQ on Kingdom Protista
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Kingdom Plantae / MCQ on Kingdom Animalia
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2- a
3- c
MCQ on Protista
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MCQ on kingdom Plantae
MCQ on Kingdom Protozoa
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