1 . In amphibians
a) Skin is respiratory
b) Exoskeleton is absent
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
2. Amphibian posses
a) Renal portal system
b) Hepatic portal system
c) Hypophyseal portal system
d) all of these
Persistence of larva traits is known as
a) neogenesis
b) Paedogenesis
c) Parthenogenesis
d) Pedomorphosis
Axolotl is the name of larva of
a) Ambystoma
b) Roundworm
c) Silkworm
5. Axolotl larva posses
a) External gills
b) Caudal fin
c) Laterally compressed tail
d) all of these
6. Flying frog is
a) Hyla
b) Pipa
c) Bufo
d) Rhacophorus
7. Neotany is found in larva of
a) Rana
b) Salamandra
c) Ichthyophis
d) Necturus
8. Organ of Jacobson in amphibians is
a) Sound
b) Smell
c) Pressure
d) temperatue
9. Croaking of frog is
a) Danger cell
b) Hunger cell
c) Sex call for female
d) None of these
10. A frog with body temperature of
200C is transferred to an area with 30 oC temperature.
What will be the body temperature of frog in the new environment?
a) 200C
b) 30 oC
c) 25 oC
d) Fluctuates between 200C
-30 oC
Learn more:
1. c) Both a and b
2. d) all of these
3. d) Pedomorphosis
4. a) Ambystoma
5. d) all of these
6. d) Rhacophorus
7. b) Salamandra
8. b) Smell
9. c) Sex call for female
10.b) 30 oC
Amphibia mcq.Axolotl
Amphibians mcq
Animal Kingdom MCQ
Flying frog
MCQ on Amphibians
MCQ on Class Amphibia
Organ of Jacobson